SINHAGAD FORT Trek - An Adventure and Few Life Lessons

If You Think This is the Best You Can Do then You Have Not gone on SINHAGAD FORT Trek. Even if you have visited the place, its time to revisit.

The first step for you to take to understand whether you have achieved your limit or you have something more left in you is to give Mother Nature a visit. Get out of your daily environment…go out to place you have not been to and then let your mind run riot in nature.

A View from Sinhagad Fort

This is what we did when we decided to scale the heights of Sinhagad. For many, it might not appear something great, yet the purpose was a change in scene.

The trek started at 8:30 in the morning from the foot of the hill. If we look at the whole climb it appears like a humongous task. We ensured that for us it does not appear a huge task, so what we did was we focused on one step at a time. With each step slowly and steadily we started rising above the ground. The cold breeze and frequent drizzle of rain provided that great feeling and enthusiasm for climbing the mountain.

On the way to the top, we took breaks, enjoyed the surrounding greenery and the far away mountains that most of us had seen only in movies. It was so very important for us that we capture our small success moments during our climb. So we clicked lots of pictures of the natural beauty surrounding us as we stopped to take a few minutes of rest.

In life too as we get on to build our career and life itself; it is no less than a mountain climb. Most of us rather than taking a break and enjoying the life that we have created a focus on the pain that we go through on a daily basis and ultimately give up on our dreams. Our focus shifts from creating a wonderful life for ourselves to just surviving the day.

As we reached the top, our goal, it appeared as if we had reached the clouds. We had heard on the ground the expression – ‘walking on the clouds’; we actually experienced it as we stepped on the first step of our destination – the entrance of Sinhagad Fort.

Once inside the fort, we were surrounded by the clouds as if we had reached heaven. Nature was at its best. It was an amazing sight to see people emerging from the clouds.

Early Morning At Sinhagad Fort

Our vision could go only so far, beyond that the ground was all covered with cloud. As we kept walking ahead the way was revealed to us. 

This taught us a great life lesson –


"In our lives, the coming months appear unknown and foggy. Even though some of us plan, we actually don’t know what is in store for us in the coming months. As we start to live each day, life reveals to us what lies ahead in each moment. At the fort as we took every step ahead in faith to see what lay beyond that fog, so in life, we learned to take steps in faith and then leave the rest on life. Life will reveal to us what lies ahead based on the path that we choose through our decisions."

You cannot imagine the kind of positive and energetic thoughts that will come into your mind once you embrace nature and let nature embrace you in return.

I had studied that one has to declare his intentions to the universe for it to manifest. So as we were nearing the top we declared our intention in life by shouting it loud and clear into the mountains, cloud, and nature. 

This is the declaration that we made to nature  – I have the Power! I am the Universe! I am Rich! I am wealthy! I have Abundance! 

We could hear a slight echo of our voice as it traveled back to us from the universe as if the Universe was agreeing to what we had just declared about our individual lives.

In the day to day hustle bustle to manage our lives, we forget to declare what we want from life and then complain that things don’t happen according to our plans. We realized that this was a powerful tool to take that first step in manifesting our desire – 

Declare it to the Universe by going back to Nature!
